Matches: 498.
List matches 301-350.
Southern Great Plain, Békéscsaba
type: museumSouthern Great Plain, Hódmezővásárhely
type: museumNorthern Great Plain, Nyíregyháza
type: museumWestern Transdanubia, Sárvár
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBalaton Region, Nagyvázsony
type: museumSouthern Transdanubia, Pécs
type: museumSouthern Transdanubia, Pécs
type: museumCentral Transdanubia, Tata
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Szentendre
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Szentendre
type: museumCentral Transdanubia, Bábolna
type: museumCentral Transdanubia, Farkasgyepű
type: museumSouthern Great Plain, Kecskemét
type: museum, műemlék, műemlék jellegű, hagyományőrzésThe Collection of Hungarian Applied Folk Art was opened in the old brewery in Kecskemét in 1984. Permanent and temporary exhibitions are awaiting the visitors interested in the culture of folk instrum... ... ...
Northern Hungary, Cigánd
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumNorthern Hungary, Salgótarján
type: museumNorthern Hungary, Salgótarján
type: museumNorthern Hungary, Salgótarján
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumSouthern Transdanubia, Orfű
type: museumCentral Transdanubia, Oroszlány
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumSouthern Great Plain, Kecskemét
type: museumCentral Transdanubia, Martonvásár
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumNorthern Great Plain, Bátorliget
type: museumNorthern Hungary, Balassagyarmat
type: museumWestern Transdanubia, Pannonhalma
type: arborétum, botanikus kert, domb, emlékmű, emlékhely, kiállító-, bemutatóterem, museum, szobor, templom, műemlék, műemlék jellegű, bazilika, kilátó, aktív turizmus, borturizmus, hagyományőrzés, gasztronómiaThrough the centuries, the life of the Benedictine monks of the Archabbey Pannonhalma was closely connected with grapes and wine. The Archabbey had its own winery until the time that all church proper... ... ...
Southern Great Plain, Kalocsa
type: museumNorthern Hungary, Parádsasvár
type: museumNorthern Hungary, Pásztó
type: museumNorthern Great Plain, Hortobágy
type: museumSouthern Great Plain, Bugac
type: museumWestern Transdanubia, Sopron
type: museumWestern Transdanubia, Szentgotthárd
type: museumWestern Transdanubia, Sopron
type: museumNorthern Hungary, Bükkzsérc
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Budapest
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Aszód
type: museumBudapest and the Central Danube Region, Dömsöd
type: museumSouthern Great Plain, Szalkszentmárton
type: museumSouthern Great Plain, Szalkszentmárton
type: museumSouthern Great Plain, Kiskőrös
type: museumStart new search